- A Parking Lot Chance Encounter for the Ages -

July 14, 2023

C H A N N E L  2   S A L T  L A K E  C I T Y
T U R N I N G   T H E   C A M E R A   O N   L I F E   A S   I T   I S   U N F O L D I N G . . . . . . .

 A    C H A N C E   E N C O U N T E R

In 1979, a young filmmaker is testing out a new color video camera for the first time in the parking lot of Channel 2, Salt Lake City, Utah. Trent Harris meets Groovin' Gary and thus begins the cinematic trifecta known cumulatively as The Beaver Trilogy.

A N   I M P U L S E   T O  R E - C R E A T E

In 1981, now in Los Angeles, Trent Harris creates the second iteration of the story on a consumer Betacam. Working with actor Sean Penn, soon-to-be-famous through his iconic role of Jeff Spicoli in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Harris records the scene in Black and White.

T H E    T H I R D   T I M E ' S   T H E   C H A R M  ?

Yet again in Los Angeles in 1984, Filmmaker Harris generates a third version - The Orkly Kid - this time enlisting the support of Crispin Glover (George McFly, Back to the Future - 1985) and Elizabeth Daily (Dottie, Pee-wee's Big Adventure - 1985). Shot on 16mm color film, this interpretation takes place in Orkly, Idaho and ends with our protagonist driving off into the sunset towards Hollywood wearing a blonde wig.

F I L M - I N - R E S I D E N C E   P R E S E N T S  T H E   B E A V E R   T R I L O G Y

For two more Saturdays, on July 15 and 22nd, experience The Beaver Trilogy with a live audience and in-person celebrity guests.

★ ★ ★  T H I S   S A T U R D A Y   J U L Y  1 5 T H  -  3 : 3 0  P M  ★ ★ ★


Film-In-Residence: The Beaver Trilogy
Saturdays at 4:00pm
July 8, 15, 22, 2023
Tickets $10 General / $5 VPES

Doors Open: 3:30pm

Celebrity Meet & Greet: 3:30pm - 4:00pm

Film: 4:00pm - 5:30pm


    The Beaver Trilogy is a filmic telling and retelling of the afternoon when Trent Harris met Groovin’ Gary in the parking lot of Channel 2 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Trent captured Groovin' Gary's myriad impersonations (Oliva Newton-John, Barry Manilow, Sylvester Stallone as Rocky), his red velvet interior ‘64 Chevy, and his elation at the chance to be “on the tube”. Weeks later, Trent’s fascination develops further on a trip to Groovin’ Gary’s hometown of Beaver, Utah, for a community talent show and an unforgettable performance of Groovin' Gary as Olivia Newton-Dawn.

The original encounter and its recreations, which morph and fragment with each subsequent retelling, form the infamous Beaver Trilogy.

Beaver Trilogy is a rivetingly strange, multilayered inquiry into celebrity, obsession and serendipity.

- A.O. Scott